Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sustainable and Renewable Resources (Ontario)

Sustainable and renewable resources are among the most important features that are set to determine the future development of the province of Ontario and this is the reason why more research has to be conducted in this area. The use of renewable resources have been recognized as playing a very important part in the development of the lives of individuals and states all over the world and Ontario is not an exception because of the fact that the people of this province are heavily dependent on these resources. The renewable resources that are found in Ontario are natural resources which can be replenished with the passage of time; the latter happening either through biological reproduction or through processes which occur naturally. These resources can be considered to be a basic part of the natural environment and in fact, they form a large component of its geographical features. It is therefore important to study the renewable resources of Ontario so as to determine their life cycle, since a positive life cycle is normally an indicator of the sustainability of the resource being studied, and the opposite is also true. There is a connection between sustainable and renewable resources and the ability of the people using them succeeding. This depends entirely on the quality of these resources and the depth at which they are used in the day to day lives of those who are its frequent users. The practices involved in the use of renewable resources are what determine how well these resources are used as well as the means through which these resources can be sustained for use by future generations.
The fact that Ontario uses renewable resources has ensured that both the public and private sectors within it have constructed interactions, which offer an opportunity for the various stakeholders to have an environment where rationales can be shared, and new initiatives concerning the use of renewable resources can be developed. The practices that enhance the sustainability of renewable resources, which have been put in place in Ontario, have been able to make contributions to the long-term success of the preservation of the resources in this province. Sustainable development is a factor that has been able to contribute to the success of the people’s responsible use of renewable resources and, in fact, many businesses have ensured its implementation within their wider plans of the future. When the responsible use of renewable resources is integrated together with the main stream business practices, it leads to the extension of the awareness of individuals in the society concerning the importance of these resources. It has been found that any studies concerning renewable resources, being geographical in nature, has to be done over a specific period of time in order to note the results of the studies being conducted. Various issues usually emerge that may involve the stakeholders and these may require a response in order to protect the renewable resources in question. It is a fact that many businesses in Ontario at times have aims of integrating the sustainability of renewable resources when conducting their activities as well as in their processes and products, but often, these businesses end up facing significant challenges that they fail to adopt there measures.
Recent studies on renewable resources have attempted to reinforce a connection between sustainability and innovation. This has involved the selection and maximization of the value of such studies for the long-term prospects that the businesses that function in this environment will have to consider when making their plans concerning the environment. For instance, a business that has a paper recycling scheme is able to improve a balance sheet in several ways such as savings on costs, enhancing employee commitment, as well as ensuring that the forests within the province are preserved. Technology is one of the most important sources of solution during the implementation of projects whose purpose is to ensure the sustenance of renewable resources. With effective practices that enhance the responsible use of renewable resources, there will be an alignment of these practices with those of the businesses or individuals involved. The position of a company in its industry, its unique attributes and circumstances that influence the company’s strategy are important during sustainable processes that ensure the protection of renewable resources. It is therefore important for the government and businesses to consider this when approaching matters concerning the retention of renewable resources in its current state. For instance, a company in an industry that is mature such as mining will focus its programs in areas that will be able to ensure continued access to available renewable resources and to maintain its license to operate. An emerging industry, for instance, that of renewable energy may view practices such as growth opportunities available for the company to access new and potential markets.
Sustainable development approach for a business should fit culture and ways of working, in addition to this; sustainable orientation in a business helps decision makers in connecting sustainable development practices, a business’ strategic advantages, and distinctive characters of a business. Breath of vision is a characteristic that favors sustainable development and it involves having thoughts of pictures having good reputation, this make the business be viewed as a road concept that goes beyond compliance to that which has openings for new ideas. Stakeholder empowerment should take place through relationship fostering which is more than just having transactions. Progressiveness is a sustainable development culture in business, it enables the business have a long-term outlook and this portrays the ability of the business to be enthusiastic for any new opportunities and changes that may arise, in addition to this, it portrays the business’  commitment to growth, progress and high performance by using best practices. Learning by doing is important for a company because the company is able to gain sustainable development at a great mileage while building on certain practices doing well for a particular stage of development.
Throughout the history of Ontario, the use of renewable resources such as water has been undertaken in a manner nearly totally independent of planning for their development, management and protection. Most of its towns and industrial facilities were located on the banks of lakes and rivers in order to facilitate transportation and ensure proximity to abundant water supplies. Through time, however, as these towns grew, very little regard was given to the protection and management of these resources upon which they relied in a massive way. Examples of this include the sitting of industrial facilities adjacent to well fields or rivers, as well as the location of landfill sites in old gravel pits where accumulated liquids would certainly drain away, and spread animal waste on fields with little or no regard for where spring runoff would accumulate. Under the current circumstances, the government of Ontario has left local governments with the task of managing their water supplies and planning their communities around them. As a result of massive field testing and computer modeling, municipal engineering and planning departments have been working together to subdivide their regions into areas where land use that is compatible with water resources can be established. This has been done in order to ensure that the water supplies are protected through the management of the growth in the communities. The understanding the connection between water regions and the impact of land use is critical in the development of workable solutions for all.

In conclusion, the use of and sustainability of renewable resources in the province of Ontario has to be given the highest priority because it is the only way through which they can be preserved. The best way through which to undertake this task is through the direct involvement of the government of Ontario which should actively participate in the planning of the use of these resources. This will ensure that all individuals in the province are aware of their responsibility of preserving of these resources for the sake of future generations.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Why Environmental Meetings are So Hard to Organize

Environmentalism is a philosophy which is based on the concept of conserving the natural environment through addressing issues the concern various human activities. Most of the activities which are addressed by environmentalism involve the pollution of the environment through industrial activities. This philosophy works towards the establishment of means through which these issues concerning the conservation of the environment are discussed and viable solutions for the environmental problems caused by human activity can be found. It can further be said that this philosophy deals with the preservation, the development, and the return of the natural environment to the state in which it was previously.
While many environmentalist groups profess to fight for the conservation of the environment; many of them tend to defeat their own purpose for doing so. This is due to the fact that they often oppose those projects whose final goal is to ensure that the environment is conserved. The example of the experiment that was to be conducted off the islands of Hawaii sponsored by various gas companies and governments. This project was to determine the rate of carbon monoxide dissolution in water so that steps could be taken to reduce such rates. However, certain environmentalist groups were opposed to this move stating that there was a possibility that the initiative was going to not only change the quality of the seawater, but it would also damage the marine life of the area. It can therefore be seen that while many environmentalist groups claim to fight for the conservation of the natural environment, when initiatives are made to study how the environment can be conserved, it is these very same groups which come to oppose them. A further example, this time in Pennsylvania where there was an initiative to construct wind turbines which would not only be able to provide a cheap source of energy, but this form of energy would be clean, ensuring that there was little damage to the environment. Local environmentalist groups again rose in opposition to the idea, citing that the turbines were going to destroy the immaculate forests of the area and endanger the bird life. It can therefore be said that while many environmentalist groups fight for the conservation of the environment, they have to adapt to the initiatives which are aimed at achieving the same purpose, otherwise, their objectives are likely to be defeated.
Free market environmentalism is not an initiative meant to conserve the environment, but one which has been developed to ensure that the real environmentalist movement is frustrated in its efforts. Many of the initiatives carried out by corporations in the name of environmental conservation are nothing more than propaganda designed to play down the true nature of their impact on the environment. The power of these corporations is so great that they can afford to hire public relation firms whose sole purpose is to ensure that the message from environmentalist groups is avoided, limited, or reinterpreted to suit the needs of these corporations. There is a conspiracy of interested groups which are bent on distorting the environmentalist cause because if any of the recommendations made by the various environmentalist groups are implemented, then there is a likelihood that they are going to lose a lot of profit. While there are some free market environmentalists who genuinely believe in the conservation of the environment through market mechanisms, a majority can be termed as being anti environmentalists. These tend to portray themselves as being environmentalists yet they are often the first to resist or go against any form of action or legislation that is meant to make the conservation of the environment a reality. It is these people who, using the massive resources that are available to them, something which many environmentalist groups cannot afford, have sought to hijack the environmentalist cause for their own gain. They have come to work for massive corporations with the aim of ensuring that any environmental legislation that is passed is all but effective. Environmentalist groups should not label all free market environmentalists as being anti environmentalist because there are some who are genuine in their purpose of conserving the environment. If the environmentalists keep labeling them as anti environmentalists, then there is a high risk that they will be alienated, and this would be detrimental to the cause of environmentalism.
In conclusion, it can be said that the idea that countries are sovereign in matters dealing with the environment have come to be challenged since at present, actors other than governments have come to be key players in the environmental issue. There has been a shift from having mega-conference diplomacy meetings to implementation of initiatives that are localized and formation of partnerships in order to be able to combat the remedies environmental problems that affect various countries. The time has come when governments have opted to shift their strategies to involve those tactics which are able to enhance the prospects that will implement effective management of the environment starting from the local level of the society.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Can Great White Sharks Be Saved?

Sharks are some of the most feared and misunderstood creatures in the world and because of this, many people think that it would be best to let them be destroyed and not attempt to save them. Sharks are nearly at the pinnacle of the marine food chain and because of this; their extinction would be disastrous to the ecosystem of the ocean. It is therefore imperative that all attempts should be made to ensure that the sharks are protected from extinction not only to save our ocean’s ecosystems but so that future generations can be able to see and enjoy their beauty. In this paper, we shall specifically discuss the Great White Shark which is the apex predator in the ocean and whose extinction would lead to an ecological catastrophe.
If we were to allow the extinction of the Great White Shark, then the consequences would be very dire indeed especially for ocean life. For example, the Great White preys on seals and its removal from the food chain would mean that the seal population would not be controlled leading to their feeding on medium sized fish. A result of this would be a significant reduction in the population of medium sized fish leading the extinction of seals and this pattern would continue until all marine life ceased to exist. Opponents of this view believe that even if the Great White Shark became extinct, there would be no great consequences to ocean life because another predator would just fill in the vacuum left by the Great White. They believe that the extinction of a species is inevitable and all that is being done to save these sharks is being done in vain.
Over the last fifty years, there has been a great decline in the number of Great Whites all over the world and it is our duty to ensure that they are saved not only from those who would hunt them for their fins, but also from those who wish to destroy them because of fear. There have been arguments that since the laws protecting these sharks were put in place, their numbers have increased dramatically, putting many lives in danger. This is despite the fact that many humans are currently encroaching on the territory that belongs to the Great White due to an increase of commercial and recreational activities on the oceans and rivers.
It is a very rare thing for sharks to attack human beings but many argue that they should be left to become extinct because they pose a great danger. This has been proven not to be true because cases involving Great White Sharks attacking humans are very rare and statistics show that less than one percent of human deaths over the last half a century have been shark related. It is therefore a fact that we should not let go of the Great White so easily because of a few, unfounded and  irrational fears without first considering the benefits of saving them, which are numerous.
I believe that it is a necessity to save the Great White from extinction if we wish to preserve marine life as we know it. Furthermore, arguments that the population of the Great White has increased are unfounded and in fact, it is the human population which is ever increasing. The irrational fear of sharks by humans should be corrected and they should be educated on the true nature of sharks.
In conclusion, it can be said that the Great White Shark is a necessary part of the marine ecosystem and its extinction would be catastrophic. It is imperative that this shark species be saved for the sake of future generations. People should learn more about this species and should not rely on the misconceptions developed from movies such as Jaws which have no basis on fact.