Showing posts with label Ontario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sustainable and Renewable Resources (Ontario)

Sustainable and renewable resources are among the most important features that are set to determine the future development of the province of Ontario and this is the reason why more research has to be conducted in this area. The use of renewable resources have been recognized as playing a very important part in the development of the lives of individuals and states all over the world and Ontario is not an exception because of the fact that the people of this province are heavily dependent on these resources. The renewable resources that are found in Ontario are natural resources which can be replenished with the passage of time; the latter happening either through biological reproduction or through processes which occur naturally. These resources can be considered to be a basic part of the natural environment and in fact, they form a large component of its geographical features. It is therefore important to study the renewable resources of Ontario so as to determine their life cycle, since a positive life cycle is normally an indicator of the sustainability of the resource being studied, and the opposite is also true. There is a connection between sustainable and renewable resources and the ability of the people using them succeeding. This depends entirely on the quality of these resources and the depth at which they are used in the day to day lives of those who are its frequent users. The practices involved in the use of renewable resources are what determine how well these resources are used as well as the means through which these resources can be sustained for use by future generations.
The fact that Ontario uses renewable resources has ensured that both the public and private sectors within it have constructed interactions, which offer an opportunity for the various stakeholders to have an environment where rationales can be shared, and new initiatives concerning the use of renewable resources can be developed. The practices that enhance the sustainability of renewable resources, which have been put in place in Ontario, have been able to make contributions to the long-term success of the preservation of the resources in this province. Sustainable development is a factor that has been able to contribute to the success of the people’s responsible use of renewable resources and, in fact, many businesses have ensured its implementation within their wider plans of the future. When the responsible use of renewable resources is integrated together with the main stream business practices, it leads to the extension of the awareness of individuals in the society concerning the importance of these resources. It has been found that any studies concerning renewable resources, being geographical in nature, has to be done over a specific period of time in order to note the results of the studies being conducted. Various issues usually emerge that may involve the stakeholders and these may require a response in order to protect the renewable resources in question. It is a fact that many businesses in Ontario at times have aims of integrating the sustainability of renewable resources when conducting their activities as well as in their processes and products, but often, these businesses end up facing significant challenges that they fail to adopt there measures.
Recent studies on renewable resources have attempted to reinforce a connection between sustainability and innovation. This has involved the selection and maximization of the value of such studies for the long-term prospects that the businesses that function in this environment will have to consider when making their plans concerning the environment. For instance, a business that has a paper recycling scheme is able to improve a balance sheet in several ways such as savings on costs, enhancing employee commitment, as well as ensuring that the forests within the province are preserved. Technology is one of the most important sources of solution during the implementation of projects whose purpose is to ensure the sustenance of renewable resources. With effective practices that enhance the responsible use of renewable resources, there will be an alignment of these practices with those of the businesses or individuals involved. The position of a company in its industry, its unique attributes and circumstances that influence the company’s strategy are important during sustainable processes that ensure the protection of renewable resources. It is therefore important for the government and businesses to consider this when approaching matters concerning the retention of renewable resources in its current state. For instance, a company in an industry that is mature such as mining will focus its programs in areas that will be able to ensure continued access to available renewable resources and to maintain its license to operate. An emerging industry, for instance, that of renewable energy may view practices such as growth opportunities available for the company to access new and potential markets.
Sustainable development approach for a business should fit culture and ways of working, in addition to this; sustainable orientation in a business helps decision makers in connecting sustainable development practices, a business’ strategic advantages, and distinctive characters of a business. Breath of vision is a characteristic that favors sustainable development and it involves having thoughts of pictures having good reputation, this make the business be viewed as a road concept that goes beyond compliance to that which has openings for new ideas. Stakeholder empowerment should take place through relationship fostering which is more than just having transactions. Progressiveness is a sustainable development culture in business, it enables the business have a long-term outlook and this portrays the ability of the business to be enthusiastic for any new opportunities and changes that may arise, in addition to this, it portrays the business’  commitment to growth, progress and high performance by using best practices. Learning by doing is important for a company because the company is able to gain sustainable development at a great mileage while building on certain practices doing well for a particular stage of development.
Throughout the history of Ontario, the use of renewable resources such as water has been undertaken in a manner nearly totally independent of planning for their development, management and protection. Most of its towns and industrial facilities were located on the banks of lakes and rivers in order to facilitate transportation and ensure proximity to abundant water supplies. Through time, however, as these towns grew, very little regard was given to the protection and management of these resources upon which they relied in a massive way. Examples of this include the sitting of industrial facilities adjacent to well fields or rivers, as well as the location of landfill sites in old gravel pits where accumulated liquids would certainly drain away, and spread animal waste on fields with little or no regard for where spring runoff would accumulate. Under the current circumstances, the government of Ontario has left local governments with the task of managing their water supplies and planning their communities around them. As a result of massive field testing and computer modeling, municipal engineering and planning departments have been working together to subdivide their regions into areas where land use that is compatible with water resources can be established. This has been done in order to ensure that the water supplies are protected through the management of the growth in the communities. The understanding the connection between water regions and the impact of land use is critical in the development of workable solutions for all.

In conclusion, the use of and sustainability of renewable resources in the province of Ontario has to be given the highest priority because it is the only way through which they can be preserved. The best way through which to undertake this task is through the direct involvement of the government of Ontario which should actively participate in the planning of the use of these resources. This will ensure that all individuals in the province are aware of their responsibility of preserving of these resources for the sake of future generations.