Showing posts with label Renewable resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renewable resources. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Environmental Degradation and Capitalist Growth and Consumption

Environmental degradation has become one of the most fundamental issues to dominate the political, economic, and social landscapes in the twenty first century. This is mainly because of the realization that it is increasingly leading to global warming that might have an adverse effect on not only the lives of human beings, but also the sustainability of the planet. Among the issues that have been considered to be the causes of environmental degradation are capitalist growth and consumption. Capitalist growth and consumption is blamed for the rapid development of industries which, while satisfying the massive demand for diverse products, has also contributed significantly to the greenhouse gas emissions which are currently plaguing the planet through global warming. The mechanisms of capitalism have led to a situation where there has been an increase in environmental degradation to such an extent that it has become a threat to the entire planet.
Capitalist growth and consumption as a result of globalization have led to an increase in environmental degradation all over the planet. This is especially the case where, as a result of the ever-increasing demand for consumer goods, the capitalist economic model has encouraged the rapid exploitation of available natural resources to satisfy the demand. However, there has been a failure in the by capitalist political economy to recognize that the exploitation of natural resources has an adverse effect on the environment within which it is taking place. In the Ecuadorian Amazon, the decades-long extraction of oil has led to a serious degradation of the environment to such an extent that species that were once prominent in the area are slowly but surely dying out. The large amounts of toxic chemicals released into the local environment as a result of unsafe ways of extracting oil has led to a situation where it has become highly unsustainable for both people and the various species that live within it (Center for Economic and Social Rights 1994, 82). However, despite the negative effects of oil extraction, there have been plans to increase oil production to such an extent that the possible ramifications on the environment have been almost completely ignored. The demand for oil in the global economy as well as the need for local governments to ensure that they are able to attain the money needed to balance their budgets means that it is very hard to change the minds of policymakers when it comes to reversing the effects of environmental degradation, especially among developing countries.
In addition, the capitalist system has led to the development of large corporations which, as a result of their activities, have essentially become a part of the economic and environmental problem. This is especially the case where these corporations operate in conflict zones despite the massive damage that their activities bring about (Raleigh 2007, 674). Corporations, as a result of the outrage that has come about because of their involvement in the degradation of the environment, have often sought to ensure that they remain relevant in the public eye through coming up with or adopting such philosophies as corporate social responsibility. However, social responsibility is normally considered to be a mask behind which corporations continue with their activities as usual while claiming to be helping those who are negatively affected by their activities. However, the reality is that there is increasing evidence showing corporations still making a lot of money at the expense of local populations and the environment. The propagation of social responsibility has also allowed corporations, especially in the oil and gas sector, to continue with their operation in conflict areas such as in South Sudan with the claim that their presence is good for the local population (Idahosa 2002, 228). This is normally not the case because it is as a result of their activities that both sides of the conflict end up having the necessary funding to ensure that the wars that they are conducting end up seemingly endless. As a result, local populations suffer and the environment becomes increasingly degraded through the use of diverse weapons, while the corporations, which have the money and power, continue reaping the profits.
Moreover, the capitalist economy has led to a situation where the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have led to global warming on an unprecedented scale. Global warming has become a serious threat, especially among island nations which are witnessing a rise in sea levels; a threat to their very existence. Islands such as Tuvalu, with small landmasses and being wholly dependent on importation of consumer goods, are at a high risk of not only falling victim to global warming, but might also have to endure serious losses of life as a result of their isolation (Connell 2004, 260). Moreover, human response to disaster in these areas is likely to be slower because the small size of these islands has the effect of not being able to sustain ever increasing human populations. The greenhouse effect has also had a negative effect on agricultural production within these islands because the rising sea levels have led to the salination of a significant amount of valuable fresh water sources (Connell 2004, 262). It has therefore become essential for steps to be taken to ensure that there is greater awareness concerning the effects of capitalist growth on the rest of the world through an accurate study of effect so that it can be possible to reduce the rate of global warming. Such awareness is likely to lead to the creation of greater efficiency in helping island nations achieve environmental sustainability while at the same time be able to promote the retention of local ecosystems.
Capitalist growth and consumption as well as its role in environmental degradation have become a human rights issue. This issue has come about because the rapid industrialization of developed countries has led to a situation where the massive amounts of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere has brought about global warming. Global warming has become a serious problem, especially for the poor, who make up the majority of people in the world, who cannot afford to protect themselves against the rapid changes taking place in their environment (Docherty and Giannini 2009, 350). The promotion of development goals in most developing countries such as India and China in order to achieve developed status has ensured that there is an almost total disregard for the need to protect the environment from degradation. Actions aimed at reducing environmental degradation present a dilemma for policymakers in developing countries because most of them might be considered to infringe on human rights. This is the case where policies implemented might lead to a reduction in the number of commodities that are available for poorer people who rely on cheap manufactured products in order to make ends meet.
In conclusion, the discussion has made an analysis of why the mechanisms of capitalism have led to a situation where there has been an increase in environmental degradation to such an extent that it has become a threat to the entire planet. There has been recognition that capitalist growth and consumption as a result of globalization have led to an increase in environmental degradation all over the planet. In addition, the capitalist system has led to the development of large corporations which, as a result of their activities, have essentially become a part of the economic and environmental problem. Moreover, the capitalist economy has led to a situation where the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have led to global warming on an unprecedented scale. Finally, an argument stating that capitalist growth and consumption as well as its role in environmental degradation have become a human rights issue has been presented, showing that there has to be a balance between environmental protection and human rights.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Industrial air and water emissions and control measures in Canada

Throughout the contemporary world, industries play an important role in bringing about the sustenance of economies. Almost every country in the world has become dependent on industries to sustain themselves to such an extent that they cannot do without them. However, while these industries are useful, they are also harmful to the environment as a result of emissions which have an adverse effect on air and water quality.  In the past decade, many firms produced a significant amount of emissions that adversely affected the environment. The emissions into the atmosphere have an effect on soil, water, power use, and waste management. In many economies, the detrimental effect of emissions on the environment has resulted in legislation being enacted to control the emissions. In Canada, the government has acknowledged the impact of emissions, and has committed itself to reducing the degree of emissions in order to enhance the quality of air and while at the same time improving water quality (Boyd, 2010). The emissions have adversely affected the air and water quality in Canada and as a result, it has aimed at making sure that it promotes sustainable practices. Additionally, ecosystems have been destroyed through acidification when the emissions, especially those containing sulphur, are exposed to the rain or ground water. Environmental pollution has many manifestations and the resultant health risks tend to have an adverse effect on the bodies of those individuals affected (Bell & Davis, 2001). Canada has sought to take tangible steps towards ensuring that there is a high level of control measures aimed at not only reducing emissions, but also bringing about a situation where there is a reduction in public health risks as a result of bad air and water quality.
Reasons for control measures
Canada is one of the countries in the world which has a wide diversity of natural resources that have yet to be exploited. However, it is essential that these resources are used sustainably; meaning that as much as possible has to be done to ensure that during the exploitation process, there is limited destruction of the natural environment. Industrial activities in Canada often have an adverse effect on air and water quality and this is to such an extent that it has led to a significant threat both towards the human, animal, and plant populations. The risk of damaging entire ecosystems through the unsustainable industrial processes has made the implementation of control measures extremely important. Moreover, the health of Canadians is highly dependent on the quality of air and water in their environment to such an extent that without control measures, it is likely that the country might end up getting into a public health crisis in future (El-Fadel & Massoud, 2000). Having absolute control over the monitoring and control processes involved in keeping greenhouse emissions at a minimum are important in not only securing air and water quality, but also bringing about a situation where it is possible to effectively fight global warming and the climate change that comes about as a result. Therefore, the overall wellbeing of Canadians is dependent on putting control measures over industrial emissions into place to ensure that the air and water quality all over the country is improved.
Examples and explanation of air and water pollutants
The main air pollutants are in the form of gaseous pollutants, which include organic compounds, sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matters. Particulate matters are exhausts from diesel engines that include the wood smoke, coal ash, pesticide mist, mineral dust, and acid mists. Radioactive pollution is also a form of air pollution that occurs when radioactive isotopes from burning reactors leak into the atmosphere (WHO, 1996). Water emissions from industries occur when toxic chemicals such as fluoride and arsenic leak from industries and end up contaminating underground water (Frost, Tollestrup, Craun, Raucher, Chwirka, & Stomp, 2002). Water is also contaminated directly when wastes from industries find their way into water bodies. All of these pollutants have the potential of bringing about serious health and environmental problems. As a result, there is need for constant awareness concerning the potential problems that these pollutants might bring about while at the same time promoting initiatives for the provision of more information concerning how best to handle their effects when they occur. It is estimated that a significant proportion of diseases in the world today are associated with the effects of pollution hazards in the environment (Smith, Corvalan, & Kjellstrom, 1999). Thus, Canada’s attempts to bring about control measures on air and water emissions is an important step towards the development of sustainable measures aimed at not only maintaining the environment at its best state, but also preventing those diseases that come about as a result of pollution; averting a public health crisis.
Sources of Industrial Emissions
Operations in industries are the major sources of industrial emissions and these can be attributed to the irresponsible actions of industries which seek to make a quick profit at the expense of the environment (McMichael, Kjellstrom & Smith, 2001). The industries that have been found to be the most responsible for the emissions mainly include the energy, transport, building and construction sectors, which, despite the large amounts of emissions they produce, are also essential for the development of the economy. The extensive use of fossil fuels in Canada has also had an impact on air quality. This is because most industries as well as vehicles in the country run on these types of fuels although there are attempts to bring about the use of cleaner energy sources. In line with these, the oil industry, which is depended upon for fossil fuels, is one of the biggest polluters in the country leading to a situation where it has surpassed emissions that were produced by the transport sector. While this may be the case, as a result of its efforts, Canada has been able to ensure that its emission levels remain slightly lower than those of other countries, especially in the developing world and the emerging economies (McGranahan & Murray, 2003). A major setback that has been encountered by Canada in recent years is when in 2007, the Suncor spilled some 9.8 million liters into Athabasca River; a situation that might have brought about significant risks to the human and wildlife living in the area affected. However, despite this incident, Canada has been able to ensure that it takes on action towards the establishment of environmental sustainability.
Even though large amounts of emissions are from the industrial operations, other factors have played key roles in determining the level of emissions in Canada. These factors entail the demographic changes, the physical geography, and economic development. When compared to the other developed economies, the Canada’s climate is very variable; therefore, much energy resources are used for heating and cooling spaces. In regards to demographics, Canada is sparsely populated; therefore, there are long travel periods and the demand for transportation as individuals travel from one region to another is high compared to the densely populated economies (National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1999). More so, Canada's economic growth and population growth is greater than other developed economies and the growth demands for more use of natural resources that include gas and oil. Irrespective of the challenges faced by this country, the economy has been de-coupling between reduction in emissions and economic growth. That has called for technologically efficient methods of production and adoption of clean energy rather than over-relying on oil. Technology has also been adopted in all sectors of the economy especially in electricity production in efforts to reduce the greenhouse gasses emissions. The industries are required to be in the forefront of use of efficient applications and thus, lead the household by example. More so, most of the consumers in Canada have knowledge about the consequences of emissions; hence, they have also adopted ways of reducing the emissions such as walking to workplaces.
Effects of emissions on Environment and Human Health
For the most part, the effect of emissions can be categorized into three classes, environmental impacts, economic impacts, and human health effects (Hobbs & Meier, 2000). Environmental effects entail the increase in temperatures that result in the melting of the ice, glaciers, and snow, with the melting results in flooding of the coastal regions due rising in the sea levels.  This is especially the case in the Arctic where the permafrost is likely to thaw, bringing with it potential environmental hazards to which it might be difficult to adjust. In Canada, there is the potential that there will be changes in climatic conditions characterized by increased precipitation in all regions except in the Southern Canada. The increased rainfall will increase the chances of flooding that might lead to some serious disruption in the lives of people affected as well as the economy. Another environmental effect, in this case caused by air pollution which has adverse consequences on the ozone layer, which is increasingly being depleted, will be increased frequency of heat waves; having both direct and indirect effects on the ecosystem. For instance, many species of wildlife will find it hard to adapt to the high temperatures hence suffer from stress. Additionally, massive destruction of the natural environment will also occur; making it extremely difficult for ecosystems which have been established for thousands of years to survive.
One of the most serious effects of climate change is that it might lead to the extinction of those species that are not able to adapt to the new environment; a significant loss to the highly diversified natural environment that can be found in Canada today. Sustaining the natural environment through seeking to control and maintain the air and water quality is an important step towards the achievement of a greater balance between the natural and human environments (Gwilliam, Kojima, & Johnson, 2004). Industrial activity, especially concerning the emission of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and water bodies has the potential of bringing about instability in the natural environment. Threats, not only to wildlife, but also to the human community are also prevalent and these have to be stopped in order to bring about a situation where individuals are concerned about their environment enough to help sustain it. In this way, it becomes possible to avoid those problems associated with destruction of ecosystems as well as medical conditions that reduce the quality of life of those affected by exposure to air and water pollutants.
In regards to human health, the high temperature has the potential of exposing human beings to a significant number of diseases such as stroke and deaths related to dehydration. According to Health Canada (2010), changes in the local weather patterns increase the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases along with cancer due to exposure to carcinogenic volatile organic compounds. More so, people will be more vulnerable to vector, water, rodent, and food-borne diseases. The populations living in the northern regions are more vulnerable than those living in the southern regions of Canada and children, the elderly and women are most susceptible to problems that might be brought about by climate change. Moreover, greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere can have the potential of leading to instances of mortality as a result of respiratory infections. Air pollution also increases the risk of having an adverse effect on the manner that children’s lungs function in such a way that it brings about post-neonatal mortality (Brunekreef & Holgate, 2002); a situation that would have a severe impact on the demographics of the country. An increase in cardiovascular diseases and respiratory infections for the elderly could also result from acute air pollution, which exposes members of society to a number of harmful airborne pollutants (WHO 2000). Not only would this situation have an adverse effect on the health of members of society, it would also lead to an increase in the burden of healthcare on Canada; making it more expensive to cater for the needs of all of its citizens that are affected by air pollution.
The most direct route of exposure to harmful industrial chemicals in water it through the consumption of contaminated water from the affected bodies. The level of exposure depends on the amount of water that has been consumed meaning that those who consume more of this water are at a greater risk of being affected by the chemical compounds within it (Fewthrell, Kaufmann, & Preuss, 2003). There is also a risk that when this contaminated water is used in the preparation of food, the food also ends up being contaminated because despite high cooking temperatures, the level of toxicity is not easily affected. Another route of exposure in water is through inhalation of volatile compounds when individuals are having hot showers or skin exposure when bathing or making use of water for recreational purposes. These chemical compounds are extremely harmful especially considering that they might bring about the exposure of unborn or young children through crossing the placenta, or when infants take it in through breast milk. These forms of exposure are can bring about numerous adverse health and developmental effects on those individuals who are exposed to contaminated water; making it essential to make sure that pertinent steps are taken to ensure that water is free from industrial chemicals.
Also, acute exposure to industrial contaminants to drinking water can lead to diverse medical conditions, ranging from minor to major conditions. Among these is irritation in the eyes, nose, or skin and in some extreme instances, the gastrointestinal system. There are also instances where there is the possibility of chronic exposure such as liver toxicity that comes about as a result of the presence of copper, arsenic, or chromium in drinking water. When chemicals pass through the kidney of victims, it leads to toxic effects, which can cause serious problems for the individuals affected, with the most prominent elements in water that can cause kidney problems being cadmium, copper, mercury, and chlorobenzene (WHO 2003). The use of pesticides also brings about a lot of risk for those people living within areas close to water bodies that are used for everyday purposes. This is especially the case in agricultural or industrial settings where it is common for the chemicals used to persist in the environment for a long time and end up being carried into water bodies. The result of the ingestion of these chemicals through the consumption of water is that it leads to the disruption of the endocrine system that ends up leading to behavioral, developmental, and reproductive problems for the individuals affected. Furthermore, these chemicals, which disrupt the endocrine system, can lead to the reduction of fertility and increase the occurrence of birth defects and cancers that are hormonally dependent such as breast and prostate cancers (WHO & International Programme on Chemical Safety 2002). It is, therefore, important that control measures are taken to make sure that natural resources, especially air and water, are protected because without action from both government and communities, it is possible that industrial emissions into these resources could lead to some serious health and environmental problems.
Conclusion and Future Recommendations
Although industries play a significant role in economic development, studies have revealed that they have an adverse effect on human health and the environment through the emissions that these industries produce. The emissions are mainly in the form of gases, water, and particles, which, once they enter the atmosphere and water bodies, bring about a situation where there is risk of human exposure to these elements, or the environment being adversely affected through the destruction of natural ecosystems. In efforts to reduce the adverse effect of the emissions, the government of Canada should focus itself on reducing the level of emissions and improve the quality of air, improve visibility while at the same time monitoring the level of emissions. The Canadian government should take on leadership in controlling the level of emissions to both air and water in order to uphold the integrity of the natural ecosystem. The discussion above has shown that it is industries that produce the greenhouse gases and chemicals that are responsible for global warming. Therefore, it is important for the government take on initiatives to control the emissions in order to reduce the rate of global warming and the subsequent climate change. The effect of the emissions in the discussion has been classified in terms of the environmental, and the human health effects.
The keeping clean areas clean (KCAC) principles are an integral part of universal Canada-Wide Standards that focus on the quality of air while also protecting visibility (Taylor & McMillan, 2014). Furthermore, the provincial and the federal governments carry out the environment assessment to ensure that the quality of water and air does not injure the ecosystem. At all the new points of the source of water or air, the quality needs to be assessed to guarantee the Canada's efforts to protect the environment are upheld. More so, any modification of the air or water from the industries must be evaluated to ensure that it does not pollute the environment or cause harm to the human health. Among the most pertinent interventions that can be taken in future in order to ensure that the air and water quality is maintained at a premium level is through limiting hazardous waste disposal. Instead, hazardous substances should be recycled at their site of use or in situation where it is impossible to recycle, these substances can be replaced with those that are less harmful. Interventions There should be constant air monitoring which involves the cooperation between government institutions and communities aimed at reducing air pollution. Moreover, it is important for these monitoring activities to be tied to concrete actions such as the promotion of such actions as banning vehicle use when pollution levels become too high and go past predetermined thresholds. At the exposure level, it is important for individuals in the community to be conscious of the threat towards them and take necessary actions to protect themselves. Among these is the use of household filters to reduce the amount of chemicals such as arsenic from their drinking water. Finally, it is also essential for health services in the country to remain vigilant and seek to protect and bring about the restoration of the health of people showing signs of adverse effects in communities that are at the highest risk as a result of water and air pollution.

Bell, M.L. & Davis, D. I. (2001). Reassessment of the Lethal London Fog of 1952: Novel Indicators of Acute and Chronic Consequences of Acute Exposure to Air Pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109(3), 389–94.
Boyd, D. R. (2004). Unnatural law: Rethinking Canadian environmental law and policy. Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia.
Brunekreef, B. & Holgate, S. T. (2002). Air Pollution and Health. Lancet, 360, 1233–42.
El-Fadel, M. & Massoud, M. (2000). Particulate Matter in Urban Areas: Health-Based Economic Assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 257, 133–46.
Fewthrell, L., Kaufmann, R. B. & Preuss, A. (2003). Assessing the Environmental Burden of Disease at the National and Local Level: Lead. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Frost, F. J., Tollestrup, K., Craun, G. F., Raucher, R., Chwirka, J., & Stomp, J. (2002). Evaluation of Costs and Benefits of a Lower Arsenic MCL. Journal of American Water Works Association, 94(3), 71–82.
Gwilliam, K., Kojima, M. & Johnson, T. (2004). Reducing Air Pollution from Transport. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Health Canada (2010). Human health in a changing climate: A Canadian assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptive capacity. Health Canada. Retrieved from
Hobbs, B. F., & Meier, P. (2000). Energy decisions and the environment: A guide to the use of multicriteria methods. Boston, MA: Springer US.
McGranahan, G. & Murray, F. (2003). Air Pollution and Health in Rapidly Developing Countries. London: Earthscan.
McMichael, A. J., Kjellstrom, T. & Smith, K. (2001). Environmental Health. In International Public Health, ed. M. H. Merson, R. E. Black, and A. J. Mills, 379–438. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. (1999). Canada's options for a domestic greenhouse gas emissions trading program. Ottawa: Renouf.
Smith K. R., Corvalan C., & Kjellstrom T. (1999). How Much Global Ill Health Is Attributable to Environmental Factors? Epidemiology, 10, 573–84.
Taylor, E., & McMillan, A. (2014). Air quality management: Canadian perspectives on a global issue. Dordrecht: Springer.
WHO. (2003). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. 3rd ed. Geneva: WHO.
WHO. (2000). Air Quality Guidelines for Europe. 2nd ed. Copenhagen: WHO.
WHO. (1996). Health Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident: Scientific Report. Geneva: WHO.
WHO and International Programme on Chemical Safety. 2002. Global Assessment of the State of Science of Endocrine Disruptors. Geneva: WHO and the International Programme on Chemical Safety.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Global Environmental Curriculum

The need to develop a proper global curriculum to ensure that students are from an early age able to learn about sustaining the environment and taking active steps to achieve it has become important in the twenty first century. This is because it allows for the development of environmental consciousness among students from an early stage of their education so that they can be more proactive in their seeking to ensure environmental sustainability. A lot of literature has been written concerning this subject and it has been highly revealing concerning the diverse issues that have come about as a result of the need for the creation of an adequate curriculum which can be used for the purpose of making sure that environmental sustainability is secured.
The concept of child-centered play has not been adequately used for the purpose of making sure that there is an increase in knowledge concerning the environment in children. They suggest that it is essential for environmental education to be put in the early childhood curriculum because it is the best way through which children can learn about the environment from an early age. Furthermore, it is a means of promoting environmental sustainability through the creation of play-based learning experiences which are designed to make sure that children are provided with knowledge through a pedagogical approach. Such an approach would make it possible for children to learn and develop knowledge concerning environmental conservation early enough to ensure that they grow up knowing the different problems affecting their environment and how best to sustain it for future generations. Edwards and Carter-Mackenzie, in line with Ritchie (2013), are extremely incisive concerning the manner through which environmental education should be conducted because it promotes environmental awareness from early on in the lives of individuals. The ideas presented within this article can also be considered to be the best means through which the global environmental education curriculum can be developed in such a way that it becomes possible for children to acquire environmental knowledge in their formative years. It is also a means, through the use of play, that teachers can be able to impart the knowledge that they have concerning the environment on children while at the same time keeping the latter interested in the issues involved. Furthermore, it would lead to the promotion of greater efforts through which children would be more capable of recognizing the different methods of environmental sustainability that can be applied to achieve greater awareness for the environment and the need to protect it. However, despite the numerous advantages that can be brought about through the introduction of environmental conservation in early childhood education, the means through which it can be effectively achieved are not discussed in the article. The effective implementation of this method into the curriculum would entail making sure that the subject is introduced into play in such a way that children become active participants in the process; meaning that they have to be helped through acquiring the knowledge that they need while at play so that their full attention is given to the subject.
Kennely, Taylor, and Serow (2011) state that the national curriculum that is being developed in Australia is one which puts a lot of stock on the need for teachers to ensure that they teach their students about sustainability. This is especially the case where this curriculum claims to support teachers in every way to ensure that they have the necessary experience to effectively teach sustainability to their students. However, the study conducted by these authors suggests that sustainability is not adequately represented in the curriculum to such an extent that there is a serious possibility that it could eventually be omitted from the teacher education and qualification system at all levels. The lack of proper education concerning sustainability in the educational curriculum in Australia, despite the many comments in support of it, can be considered to be extremely dangerous because students lack the necessary knowledge to ensure that they are sufficiently aware of the environment to take active action to protect it. Furthermore, the lack of emphasis concerning the best way through which sustainability can be included in the curriculum can be considered to be a serious discrepancy because it might lead to a situation where teachers are no longer required to provide environmental education; meaning that students in future will lack the necessary guidance concerning how best to conserve their environment.
This study is extremely relevant because it provides a glimpse of the possible problems that are involved in the Australian curriculum especially when it involves sustainability. Without the active role of the education system, environmental sustainability will not be as important a subject as it should be because it will no longer form an essential part of the curriculum. It is noted that within the Australian education system, teachers are increasingly no longer required to have knowledge concerning sustainability in order to qualify to teach and this is a matter of concern because sustainability is one of the most important issues of concern in the world today. The need to promote sustainability in the education of teachers, especially at a primary level should be considered an essential part of making sure that it remains a significant part of the Australian curriculum. Such knowledge among teachers would go a long way in making sure that students are also taught to have a respect for the environment in such a way that helps in their taking an active part in conservation efforts. Moreover, the addition of sustainability subjects in the development of national curriculum proposals would go a long way in making sure that teachers remain consistent in helping students know more about the environment because it will be an essential part of the education system rather than an afterthought as the current situation is. Sustainability should not only be proposed, but should also be enforced in the Australian curriculum because it will allow for a more focused approach when it comes to the cultivation of a more knowledgeable generation of students concerning the environment.
Edwards, S. & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2011). Environmentalising Early Childhood Education Curriculum through Pedagogies of Play. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(1), 51 – 61.
Kennelly, J., Taylor, N., & Serow, P. (2011). Education for sustainability and the Australian curriculum. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 27(2), 209–218.
Ritchie, J. (2013). Sustainability and relationality within early childhood care and education settings in aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Early Childhood, 45(3), 307-326.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Marxism and Ecologism

Over the last few decades, issues concerning the political involvement in environmental preservation have become prominent. This is because of an increasing awareness concerning the environment as well as the need to ensure that it is protected for the sake of future generations. The need to preserve the environment has become a paramount political issue which has either been adopted or rejected by the different ideological standpoints that occupy the political space today. It is essential to note that the merger of political and environmental ideologies has become a basic part of the politics of the contemporary world and this is the reason why alliances between political parties and environmentalist groups are being formed. Among the most prominent ideologies that have emerged in the contemporary world are Marxism and ecologism; ideologies that can either be compared or contrasted.
According to the Marxist concept of anthropocentrism, nature should not be a matter of paramount importance because it is not a product of labour. As a result, neither the earth nor nature should be provided importance when it comes to situations where labour is concerned. Labour is the primary concern of anthropocentrism and it is the basis upon which this concept has been developed. As opposed to ecocentrism, anthropocentrism promotes the importance of labour over nature, with the latter being considered to be inconsequential because it does not have a direct effect on the management of labour. The anthropocentric approach recognises that there is need for some form of environmental protection because it allows for the development of a better means through which individuals in society can be able to apply their labour for their own benefit. However, there are instances where the environment interferes with the way that labour is conducted and managed and this creates a situation where it is essential for issues concerning the environment to be set aside so that labour can be given more prominence. This approach further recognises that man does not have any control over the environment and that the latter cannot be brought under control by any means. It is therefore reasonable that man does not concentrate too much on nature or the environment to such an extent that labour and its products come to be ignored.
The ecocentric approach on the other hand is based upon the need to ensure that all human actions are conducted in such a way as to make possible the integrity of nature. This concept recognises that the environment is the most important thing in the world and that it is man’s responsibility to ensure that his activities do not cause it harm. Without the intervention of man, it is believed that the integrity of the environment will become compromised and might end up creating a situation where man as a race, in addition to wildlife, will end up suffering. The ability of man to conduct his activities with utmost consideration for the preservation of nature is essential because it allows for the development of better means through which man and nature can coexist in a constructive manner. This concept is one that indicates that man has a responsibility to nature as well as having a responsibility for nature; meaning that he has to do everything possible so that nature can be preserved, but that its integrity be maintained.
The anthropocentric approach is one which propagates the belief that the main value of nature is based on its resources rather than on the preservation of its integrity. In this way, the economic value of natural resources should be the main reason why man interacts with nature and this should involve the exploitation of these resources to ensure that the value of labour is increased. Without the resources that are contained within it, nature would not have any value because there would be nothing within it that would ensure that it is not only exploited, but also given the attention that it receives. The ability of man to exploit nature for its resources is the reason why it is important for the economy because it is these resources which make it thrive. The preservation of nature would mean that most of its resources would not be exploited; making it difficult for labour to be employed for the purpose. Such a situation would create a situation where individuals in society would end up living in a primitive way where the inequalities that are present in society would be further maximised; leading to chaos.
The ecocentric approach, in contrast to anthropocentrism, is one which calls for the adoption of a new land ethic, where individuals within society should conduct their actions with the intention of ensuring that the integrity, stability and beauty of the environment is preserved. Nature should not only be exploited for its resources, but there should be means through which these resources are exploited in a responsible manner, so that instead of concentrating on maximising the profits gained; individuals should develop better means of ensuring that their exploitation does not degrade nature. Under such circumstances, ecocentrism is similar in approach to anthropocentrism because the latter also recognises that nature should not be exploited for the purpose of profit but instead to ensure that there is some form of benefit for labour. Without this benefit, it would essentially be useless to exploit natural resources because it would mean that the profits gained would end up benefiting the bourgeoisie. The econcentric approach, however, is opposed to the anthropocentric one where nature can be exploited for its resources without any need to preserve its integrity. Instead, it proposes that any approach that exploits nature and ends up destroying its stability, beauty, or integrity is a wrong one because it does not consider any respect for nature.
While it promotes the unlimited exploitation of nature for the sake of labour, it is essential to note that the Marxist approach also recognises the hazards of doing so. This is especially the case in situations where the environment ends up being unstable as a result of being massively exploited. Not only does it lead to its destruction, but it also creates a situation where the environment becomes hostile to man. The conquest of nature is considered to be futile and any attempt to do so would be detrimental to the welfare of human beings. The stance taken by the anthropocentric approach can be considered to be a contradiction because while it advocates for the unlimited exploitation of nature for the benefit of labour, it also calls for caution because the destabilisation of nature as a result of activities of exploitation would bring about a situation where nature would take its revenge. Therefore, one would suggest that anthropocentrism takes on a middle ground in matters concerning environmental preservation; a situation that makes it questionable as a political concept in the contemporary world where environmental protection is paramount.
The anthropocentric approach to environmental conservation, especially during its contemporary states of development, can be considered to have been extremely modified to such an extent that it has essentially come to take a similar approach to ecocentrism. This change can be seen through some of the laws that were passed by Russia during the Soviet Union which attempted to reduce the impact of individuals on the environment. One such law forbade the destruction of any non-commercial wild animals except for those that had a potential of either harming the economy or the health of the people within the state. This approach shows a need for man to take responsibility for his actions towards nature and this should be done in such a way that its integrity is protected. The exploitation of nature for its resources is an essential part of human civilisation because it allows for the development of an easier way of life. However, the anthropocentric approach is one which advocates for the primacy of labour over nature, so that nature is used for the latter rather than labour working towards the preservation of nature. There are instances where this approach puts importance in the need to preserve the environment because it is realised that to do otherwise would mean the destruction of life as it is and the end of labour. Among the events that are referred to in this approach as having taken place as a result of man’s manipulation of nature is the Chernobyl disaster, which can be considered to be nature’s way of taking revenge on human attempts to tame it.
It is essential to note that both the anthropocentric and ecocentric approaches recognise that laws concerning the balance between man and the environment have not been adequately developed. This ethical deficiency on the part of developing moral guidelines on how to treat the environment has led to a situation where it has become extremely difficult for man to conduct his activities with consideration for nature. The need to ensure that the use of land as well as other natural resources is conducted in a way that preserves the latter has been forgotten in a bid to ensure that commercial interests are protected. The result is that commercial interests have taken a hand in directing laws concerning the environment, through their lobbies, so that these laws do not in any way interfere with their destructive activities. both of these approaches states that the contemporary society does not recognise the importance of nature and the need to ensure that the environment is preserved in such a way that future generations will be able to exploit its resources while continuing to maintain a balance. The lack of moral obligation towards the environment is blamed by both approaches as being the reason behind the massive levels of degradation that has been taking place and they warn that this disregard might result to disaster for the entire planet.
While the two approaches discussed might be similar in some perspectives, the ecocentric approach is more convincing because it goes further in the development of concepts that can be used as a means of protecting the environment. Among these is its propagation of there being a need for a proper means of protecting the environment through the development of a set of laws based on the rights of nature. It is through these laws that it can be possible for environmental protection to be brought from the realm of idealism to reality. According to the ecocentric approach, in order to make environmental protection viable, it is essential for the principles guiding the process to be converted to legal concepts that can be used to ensure that the process becomes a reality. This is an approach that has gained traction in recent years and it has led to the beginning of a legal process whose purpose is to gain recognition for the worth of the environment and the need to preserve it.
 In conclusion, the discussion above has shown that according to the Marxist concept of anthropocentrism, nature should not be a matter of paramount importance because it is not a product of labour. This is countered by the ecocentric approach which is based upon the need to ensure that all human actions are conducted in such a way as to make possible the integrity of nature. In addition, it is stated that the anthropocentric approach is one which propagates the belief that the main value of nature is based on its resources rather than on the preservation of its integrity. The ecocentric approach, in contrast to anthropocentrism, is one which calls for the adoption of a new land ethic, where individuals within society should conduct their actions with the intention of ensuring that the integrity, stability and beauty of the environment is preserved. Moreover, while it promotes the unlimited exploitation of nature for the sake of labour, it is essential to note that the Marxist approach also recognises the hazards of doing so. The anthropocentric approach to environmental conservation, especially during its contemporary states of development, can be considered to have been extremely modified to such an extent that it has essentially come to take a similar approach to ecocentrism. Furthermore, it has been noted that both the anthropocentric and ecocentric approaches recognise that laws concerning the balance between man and the environment have not been adequately developed. Finally, while the two approaches discussed might be similar in some perspectives, the ecocentric approach is more convincing because it goes further in the development of concepts that can be used as a means of protecting the environment.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Philosophy of the Environment

Environmentalism is a philosophy which is based on the concept of conserving the natural environment through addressing issues the concern various human activities. Most of the activities which are addressed by environmentalism involve the pollution of the environment through industrial activities. This philosophy works towards the establishment of means through which these issues concerning the conservation of the environment are discussed and viable solutions for the environmental problems caused by human activity can be found. It can further be said that this philosophy deals with the preservation, the development, and the return of the natural environment to the state in which it was previously.
It has been found that while many environmentalist groups profess to fight for the conservation of the environment, many of them tend to defeat their own purpose for doing so. This is due to the fact that they often oppose those projects whose final goal is to ensure that the environment is conserved. An example of this is an experiment that was to be conducted off the islands of Hawaii sponsored by various gas companies and governments. This venture was to establish the rate of carbon monoxide dissolution in water so that steps could be taken to reduce such rates. However, certain environmentalist groups were opposed to this move stating that there was a possibility that the initiative was going to not only change the quality of the seawater, but it would also damage the marine life of the area. It can be seen that while some environmentalist groups claim to fight for the conservation of the natural environment, when initiatives are made to study how the environment can be conserved, it is these very same groups which come to oppose them.
A further example can be provided, this time in Pennsylvania where there was an initiative to construct wind turbines which would not only be able to provide a cheap source of energy, but this form of energy would be clean, ensuring that there was little damage to the environment. Local environmentalist groups again rose in opposition to the idea, citing that the turbines were going to destroy the immaculate forests of the area and endanger the birdlife. It can therefore be said that while many environmentalist groups fight for the conservation of the environment, they have to adapt to the initiatives which are aimed at achieving the same purpose, otherwise, their objectives are likely to be defeated.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Ecological Justice

It has become common for those individuals involved in the protection of human and environmental rights to advocate for the need to preserve the ecological rights to be enjoyed by future generations. This has been done mainly because of the influence of scholars in environmental law whose studies concerning the use of resources in the current age and the need to preserve some of it for future generations have been used in the arguments made by supporters of environmental justice. While this has been the case, physical influences such as changes to the climate that are irreversible, the reduction of vital resources as well the fast growth in the population of many states all over the world, have also come to be considered when dealing with ecological justice. There has developed the realization that if nothing is done by the current generation to conserve the environment, then there is the possibility that future generations will not enjoy the same environment as that which was inherited by preceding generations.
There has to be the realization that despite the failings of previous generations, the current generation is bound to ensure that the planet will be able to provide sustenance for today's children and those of the future. If a claim is made for the future generations, then it will be possible to take away from the current world order, which has certainly been responsible for much of the earth’s environmental damage, the power to continue doing what it is currently doing so that there might be a break from the environmental degradation that has been witnessed for the last two centuries. While it is a fact that not everybody is moved to action because of the ecological plight of others, especially those in future generation, it is still the duty of the current generation to ensure that there is proper consciousness concerning the environment. It is a fact that if the current generation does not meet this obligation to the future ones, then there is the possibility that future generations will look back upon it with resentment because of the failed responsibility. It is in the interest of the current generation to ensure that the sustainability of the planet and as well as the survival of the human race, is highly dependent on the achievement of the ecological justice that has to be attained for future generations. If no account is kept in the current era for the protection of the ecological interests of future generations, there is little assurance that the ecology will be maintained for future generations to enjoy, therefore resulting in crisis.
There are some who have argued that there is no need for attention to be given to future generations because their protection has already been considered in the laws that protect current generations. They would further argue that the creation of laws aimed at protecting the environment are based on the protection of future generations hence there is no need to take an active part in ecological justice. Since most of the rules concerning modernity state that individuals should live in the present and forget about the future, many individuals have come not to take any action to ensure that the environment is protected and maintained. In fact, it can be said that most individuals believe that the best way to live is to live in the present and forget about the future because it will take care of itself. Although it is necessary to protect the rights of the current generation before that of the future, the rights of this generation should not be allowed to overshadow the main priority of environmental protection which is its preservation for the future. It has therefore become necessary to ensure that there is a balance between the ecological interests of the current generations as well as those of the future so that there is no conflict of interest in the long run. If inter-generational justice is to be attained, it will be necessary to convince the current generation to ensure that the ecological aspect of the planet in the current state is protected so that future generations may be able to enjoy an even greater piece of it than the current one. The current generation has to be able to learn that the conservation of the global ecology is essential if there is to be ecological justice for future generations. The rights of future generations have to be preserved in the same way as those of the current ones are protected so that there is no break in the way in which the world functions. This is mainly because of the fact that it is extremely difficult to determine where the ecological rights of the current and future generations begin or end and therefore, it has become essential for them to be treated on an equal basis.
It is a fact that whatever the arguments made for or against ecological justice, nature has its own limitations and these have to be put into consideration whenever this subject is discussed. Therefore, where ethical arguments fail to convince the current generations, then it is a must that pragmatic arguments have to prevail otherwise, all will be lost. If ecological justice is not implemented by the current generations, then it is most likely that the future generations will end up suffering in a disproportionate way from climate change, a fact which will be detrimental for the continued survival of not only the human species, but also of other species as well. The adverse effects of climate change for future generations will possibly take place if there is the continued disregard for the environment, thus resulting in the increase in the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is however, the current practice of those institutions tasked with the continued finding of solutions for climate change to account for the interests of the generations that will live in the future than those that live in the present and this is a good indicator that all is not lost in the fight for ecological justice. Because of such considerations, it is possible that future generations will be able to be protected from the worst of climate change through the actions of current policymakers. Thus, there is a high possibility that ecological justice might indeed be achieved if not only the smaller effects of climate change are dealt with but also those that are harsher, therefore saving the world from a catastrophe.
It is suggested that it is because of the disregard for the ecological justice of future generations that there have developed those activities that have contributed an immense deal in the development of such ecological hazards as global warming. Such acts, which include the accumulation of nuclear waste, the loss of biodiversity in certain parts of the world as well as the reduction of the ozone layer, are perhaps the worst episodes in human history because they are ignorant of the need to protect future generation from the effects of global warming as a result of ecological damage. It is a fact that over the past fifty years, the alteration of the natural ecosystems of the world has been accelerated at such a rate that most of these ecological systems are no longer recognizable from only a few decades ago. The degradation of the natural environment has created a situation where it has become difficult for some ecosystems to renew themselves, and this has become detrimental for the achievement of ecological justice. It is estimated that more than half of the ecosystems that have been put under research have shown signs of being either degraded or being used in an unsustainable way, and this is not good news for those who are fighting for ecological justice because it means that they have an uphill task in order to achieve their goals of ecological sustainability. The fact that a significant part of the world’s ecosystems have been degraded has been sighted as a manifestation of the absolute disregard for future generations through the failure to recognize the limits to growth.
Alongside the current ecological crisis, there has also developed the dilemma of distributive justice, where it has been argued that there is the need for the world’s resources to be shared equally between its populations. It has been stated that without access to the resources that nature provides, it would be extremely difficult for the human race to survive and this is because of the fact that it is these resources which are the source of the sustenance of human development. It is a fact that human beings have to have access to the basic needs such as food shelter and clothing to ensure their survival but this is currently not the case because most of the human population lives in abject poverty, earning less than a dollar a day. This finding is truly appalling considering that it shows that the majority of the world’s population has no access to the natural resources which are essential for their development, as well as to sustain the future generations. The irresponsible use of the available natural resources by the rich has created a situation where there is the increase in the degradation of the natural environment, making life harder for the poor who often rely on these resources for their own survival. It has been found that many poor people, who have been pushed into poverty by the prevailing environmental circumstances, end up further degrading the environment to such an extent that it is difficult to achieve ecological justice for future generations. The fact that the poor end up degrading their local environments makes it difficult for there to be any alleviation to their hardships, which deprives them of the potential for developing themselves economically. Such a situation has come to be aptly named the pollution of poverty, since it involves the destruction of the environment by the poor, further worsening their economic situation. 
It can be said that those groups that quest for ecological justice have failed to achieve their objectives because of the internal disagreements between them. These disagreements stem from the fact that the various groups within the movement have differing views of how to approach the various ecological problems that they have to deal with. It can further be stated that these disagreements are based on the mutual suspicion between the rival groups within the movement concerning each other’s methods in dealing with the ecological issue. This has led to the complete failure of the environmentalist movement to stop the increasing greenhouse gas emissions into the environment, and this has in turn led to the increase in global warming. The main reason for this failure is that the members of the environmentalist movement join it not because of being convinced that they are joining it to save the environment, but because it is the current trend in the global scene. Another reason why the quest for ecological justice is failing in its endeavor to clean up the environment is that many environmentalist groups focus more on the technical policy solutions involved in the process than on actually taking the action needed. Many environmentalist organizations have come to separate the environment from environmentalism, creating a situation where more attention is given to the latter than to the former. 
In conclusion, it can be said that there has come to be a realization that the environmental cause cannot succeed without the direct involvement of the governments of countries which are responsible for most of the greenhouse emissions into the atmosphere. Governments have come to see the need to be actively involved in the creation of international agreements for the sole reason of dealing with environmental problems that affect the global environment, in effect helping the achievement of ecological justice. These governments have come to the realization of the need of having rules and regulations that are able to promote cooperation and prevent conflicts so that there can be sustainability in the environment. The achievement of ecological justice should be considered the priority in all matters concerning the environment because this is the only way through which the ecology of the planet can be sustained for the sake of future generations.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Disinfection of Drinking Water

It is a fact that although the protection of water against microbial contamination is extremely important, it is also important to ensure that water systems are also protected against disinfection byproducts. These are normally chemical elements which are produced when chlorine and other decontaminators respond with natural organic substances in water. Scientists have come to determine the fact that the chlorination of water for consumption, for example, has a high possibility of forming a set of derivatives known as trihalomethanes (THMs). Among these said byproducts of the chlorination process include what has been identified as chloroform. While regulations against these byproducts have been put in place by the European Union government, it has also been recognized that a large quantity of the said products have no direct effect on the health of human beings. However, it has been determined that the presence of these byproducts in drinking water in large amounts is not desirable. It has been recognized that cost effective methods in the reduction of disinfection byproducts have to be applied within the EU to ensure that the risk to human health is reduced to insignificant proportions. It has been found that while these byproducts may be harmful, the health risks associated to them are significantly smaller when compared to those that occur if water is not disinfected. Thus, it is important to ensure that disinfection of water is not compromised during attempts to ensure that such byproducts are brought under control. It has now become a reality within the EU that water systems are meeting the standards that have been put in place for the prevention of byproducts through controlling the amount of natural organic material preceding disinfection.
One of the most used water disinfection methods in the European Union is the ozone water disinfection method which utilizes the use of Ozone. Because of its unstable quality, it has been found to be ideal as a purifier since it is a powerful oxidant that is toxic for those harmful organisms living in water. Ozone has been found to offer a wide spectrum sterilization ability since it can only be produced at the site of the purification and its production can be done using oxygen as well as ultra violet light. Because of the unique qualities that it has, ozone has been found to produce byproducts that are less harmful to humans than those produced in other treatment processes such as chlorination. As a result, this process has come to be widely adopted by the European Union within many water treatment plants, thus guaranteeing that those who consume the water are protected from any harmful byproducts that are prevalent in other methods of water purification.
It has been found that the use of ultraviolet light is also a highly effective means of water purification as it has the ability to deactivate cysts as well as other harmful contaminants that might be found in drinking water. Ultraviolet light, when used for the purpose of water purification is non residual and this means that whenever it is used, it does not leave behind and disinfectants or harmful byproducts in the water. While this might be considered to be an advantage, in some cases, it can also be considered to be a disadvantage because of the fact that it also does not leave behind any of the minerals that are useful to the human body. It can therefore be said that while the use of ultraviolet light for water disinfection has an important advantage over chlorination and the use of ozone, because of its non residual nature, it makes the water less useful to the human body.
In conclusion, it is suggested that the best means of water purification that can be employed in Edinburgh is the use of the ozone treatment method. This is because of its extreme effectiveness in the destruction of those harmful microbes while at the same time not leaving behind any byproducts that may be detrimental to human health. The use of this method is likely to result in the effective purification of water while at the same time retaining those mineral elements which are useful for the human body. When compared to chlorination as well as the use of the ultraviolet method, one will find that ozone treatment is the most effective because unlike the former, it does not leave behind any harmful byproducts while unlike the latter, it leaves behind those minerals which are of use in the human body.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Natural Systems in the Middle East

The natural systems of the world are some of the most its most important aspects since they are the ones which enable the earth to sustain itself and all the creatures that are within it. The various natural systems are the ones which define the environmental zones that can be found all over the world, and without them, then the earth would be unrecognizable. In some cases, it is possible that without the natural systems, then the earth would become a harsh environment indeed, not being able to sustain those that currently exist within it. Since time immemorial, human beings have had to adapt to these different natural systems in order to survive and throughout this time, this race has proven to be among the most resilient in the world. While one cannot help but commend the hardiness of this race in its ability to survive even some of the harshest conditions in the world, it should be noted that human beings, through their activities, have had an impact on the naturals systems within which they have come to settle. This is a consequence of the of their attempts to adapt to these environments and while some of the impacts may be positive, sadly, a majority of them tend to be negative, as it has often led to the destruction of the natural systems that are involved. Among the most affected areas in the world today, due to human activity, is the Middle East where there has existed, for thousands of years, great civilizations, which have impacted significantly on the natural systems.
Human beings in the Middle East were, for a long time, primarily pastoralists and because of this, they had an impact on the environment. This region is primarily arid or semiarid and because of this, the pastoralists had to move from place to place with their livestock in order to find sustenance. These people tended to have large herds which fed on the scarce vegetation that could be found in this region at the time. As a consequence, large tracts of rare vegetation were destroyed by these animals and with this destruction also came the destruction of many diverse ecosystems. With the destruction of the plant life also came the continued desertification of the region as the scarce plant cover was stripped away by the large herds of livestock. In recent times, however, as many people in the region have come to abandon pastoralism in favor of living in urban areas, some of the vegetation that were almost completely destroyed have began to thrive again.
The Middle East is a major source of oil and natural gas and it has been stated that it holds some of the largest reserves of these resources in the world. These resources have, over the last few decades, been a major source of income for the countries which can be found in this region. Not only has it enabled their governments have plenty of wealth to fund expansive social welfare systems, but it has also enabled the increase of the standard of living, with some even stating that these standards are higher than those in the Western world. While this is true, there has also been a significant impact on the environment. The first of these has been the discharge of carbon fumes to the environment from the oil mining sites. The mining of oil and its refining involves the burning of the fossil fuels involved so that the product can be extracted from the ground, and this means that there has been a rise in the carbon emissions in the region in recent decades. While the mining of oil has and continues to be a profitable venture, it has come to bring harm to the environment as it has contributed an immense deal in global warming. While some places in the Middle East were extremely dry, with the commencement of oil mining, these places have become even drier and hotter and this has led to the destruction of quite a number of plant and animal life since the increased heat has destroyed their ecosystems.
The increase in heat has also ensured that the scarce water resources that were previously available have become scarcer. The increase of the heat in the desert has meant that the rate of water evaporation has also increased and this has created a situation where life in this environment has become unsustainable. The plant life which depended on this scarce resource to survive now has less of an opportunity to survive because of the high rates of evaporation. Furthermore, the creatures which depended on these plants for survival have also come to reduce in number because there are not enough of the plants available to sustain them. Human activities in the Middle East have therefore created a situation where the natural ecosystems have come to slowly die away as they attempt to gain a profit from the natural resources available. It has become the norm for the human population in the region to move to the urban areas in search for a better life. This is because of the fact that the increasing heat in the desert has made life unbearable and the traditional, nomadic way of life has become unsustainable. The urban areas have now become the places where they can live comfortably due to the modern appliances that are available. The nomadic way of life, which was more in harmony with the environment, has largely been abandoned and this has created a situation where it is difficult to maintain the natural environment as multinational corporations move into the seemingly abandoned areas to prospect for oil. The natural systems are therefore being slowly destroyed with very little being done to stop their destruction either by the governments involved or by their business partners.
The population of the Middle East is currently largely concentrated in the urban areas and this has created a situation where the likelihood of pollution of all types has become a reality. The burning of fossil fuels in such concentrated areas as the cities has led to high levels of air pollution which has come to affect the natural systems which are close to these cities. The pollution of air has not only caused related diseases in human beings, but it has also done so in animals which have come into contact with this polluted air. While thee diseases can be easily diagnosed among human beings and treated, in animals living in the wild, this is impossible and it has in fact led to the reduction of this animals to a level which can be considered near extinction. While the numbers are not currently known, this senseless destruction of animal life has come to destroy the various natural systems, which depend on the significant numbers of these animals to remain sustainable. The destruction of such systems means that entire habitats are at risk of either leading to the extinction of certain species of both plants and animals, or the possibility of these habitats becoming unpredictable. This would create a situation where certain species of plants or animals would be able to gain an advantage over others as some parts of the food chain will be removed, enabling the population of some to increase at the expense of others.
The rapid human population growth in the Middle East has come to affect the natural systems available, especially those that deal with water. Historically, the Middle East is known as a place which has had extremely little water resources and because of the rare occurrences of rainfall, it is difficult to have a steady replenishing of the water supply. The population growth of this region is putting an immense strain on the available water resources as the demand for this commodity continues to increase by the day. It has also led to a belief within the scientific community that if something is not done to ensure the security of this resource, then the Middle East is in danger of falling into a situation akin to famine, where the entire population as well as the natural systems involved are likely to fail. The insatiable need for water is slowly but surely depleting this resource and there is a fear that it may lead to a shortage in the food supply of the region. Such a shortage is likely to create a situation where there may develop political instability in the region, and as is well known, such occurrences tend to lead to conflicts which have the potential of further worsening the environmental situation. The shortage of water will probably be caused by nations which fail to cooperate in the equitable allocation of the water resources they share, since they continue to behave more as rivals than as partners when this precious resource is concerned and this is likely to lead to future conflict.
Another part of the natural systems in the Middle East that has been affected by human activity has been the marine environment, which has increased significantly over the last century. The coastal engineering projects that have been put in place either by the governments and private interests of the Middle East have contributed an immense deal in the changing or damaging of the marine natural systems. In addition, there has been increased shipping in the Middle East due to the development of the oil industry as well as the increased purchasing power of many Middle Eastern states. The ships which sail along the coast of this region tend to bring about plenty of pollution since the fumes they emit as well as the oil that is spilled into the oceans come to affect the marine life of the Middle East. This has come to change the marine ecosystems in the places affected as some marine life have either had to move away from their natural habitats which have become inhospitable, or others have been destroyed.
The marine environment of the Middle East has also come to be affected, in recent times, by the development of desalination plants for the purposes of providing fresh water for the region’s population. While these plants are good for the people because they allow them to have fresh water, they have a disastrous impact on the marine ecosystem of the region. A lot of energy is used during the desalination process and this naturally leads to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Furthermore, the salt which is the end product of the desalination process is dumped back into the sea; it has a massive environmental impact on marine life because it creates a situation where the salt concentration in the water is doubled. The increased salt concentration in the seawater has the potential of killing many marine organisms and it is possible that it can also cause damage to the marine population.
It can be concluded that human beings have indeed had quite an impact on the natural systems of the Middle East as they have attempted to adapt to their environment. To be able to live comfortably, human beings have made advances both in their social lives and also technologically. These, however, while succeeding in their goal of providing comfort have also taken a toll on the natural systems in the region. Throughout the ages, livestock have been reared to provide sustenance but in this region, they have also led to the rapid desertification of certain areas as they have ended up stripping away the plant cover. Moreover, in modern times, humans have developed desalination plants as well as oil wells so that they can get fresh water and satisfy the demand for oil respectively. While both of these ventures have bee highly profitable, this profit has come at the expense of the natural environment as in some places, whole ecosystems have been destroyed. The concentration of the human population in the urban areas has led to an increase in the pollution levels which have had an impact on the natural systems that exist near them, or those in areas where the resources needed to supply the cities are found. It can, therefore, be said that human beings have had a significant impact on the natural systems of these region.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sustainable and Renewable Resources (Ontario)

Sustainable and renewable resources are among the most important features that are set to determine the future development of the province of Ontario and this is the reason why more research has to be conducted in this area. The use of renewable resources have been recognized as playing a very important part in the development of the lives of individuals and states all over the world and Ontario is not an exception because of the fact that the people of this province are heavily dependent on these resources. The renewable resources that are found in Ontario are natural resources which can be replenished with the passage of time; the latter happening either through biological reproduction or through processes which occur naturally. These resources can be considered to be a basic part of the natural environment and in fact, they form a large component of its geographical features. It is therefore important to study the renewable resources of Ontario so as to determine their life cycle, since a positive life cycle is normally an indicator of the sustainability of the resource being studied, and the opposite is also true. There is a connection between sustainable and renewable resources and the ability of the people using them succeeding. This depends entirely on the quality of these resources and the depth at which they are used in the day to day lives of those who are its frequent users. The practices involved in the use of renewable resources are what determine how well these resources are used as well as the means through which these resources can be sustained for use by future generations.
The fact that Ontario uses renewable resources has ensured that both the public and private sectors within it have constructed interactions, which offer an opportunity for the various stakeholders to have an environment where rationales can be shared, and new initiatives concerning the use of renewable resources can be developed. The practices that enhance the sustainability of renewable resources, which have been put in place in Ontario, have been able to make contributions to the long-term success of the preservation of the resources in this province. Sustainable development is a factor that has been able to contribute to the success of the people’s responsible use of renewable resources and, in fact, many businesses have ensured its implementation within their wider plans of the future. When the responsible use of renewable resources is integrated together with the main stream business practices, it leads to the extension of the awareness of individuals in the society concerning the importance of these resources. It has been found that any studies concerning renewable resources, being geographical in nature, has to be done over a specific period of time in order to note the results of the studies being conducted. Various issues usually emerge that may involve the stakeholders and these may require a response in order to protect the renewable resources in question. It is a fact that many businesses in Ontario at times have aims of integrating the sustainability of renewable resources when conducting their activities as well as in their processes and products, but often, these businesses end up facing significant challenges that they fail to adopt there measures.
Recent studies on renewable resources have attempted to reinforce a connection between sustainability and innovation. This has involved the selection and maximization of the value of such studies for the long-term prospects that the businesses that function in this environment will have to consider when making their plans concerning the environment. For instance, a business that has a paper recycling scheme is able to improve a balance sheet in several ways such as savings on costs, enhancing employee commitment, as well as ensuring that the forests within the province are preserved. Technology is one of the most important sources of solution during the implementation of projects whose purpose is to ensure the sustenance of renewable resources. With effective practices that enhance the responsible use of renewable resources, there will be an alignment of these practices with those of the businesses or individuals involved. The position of a company in its industry, its unique attributes and circumstances that influence the company’s strategy are important during sustainable processes that ensure the protection of renewable resources. It is therefore important for the government and businesses to consider this when approaching matters concerning the retention of renewable resources in its current state. For instance, a company in an industry that is mature such as mining will focus its programs in areas that will be able to ensure continued access to available renewable resources and to maintain its license to operate. An emerging industry, for instance, that of renewable energy may view practices such as growth opportunities available for the company to access new and potential markets.
Sustainable development approach for a business should fit culture and ways of working, in addition to this; sustainable orientation in a business helps decision makers in connecting sustainable development practices, a business’ strategic advantages, and distinctive characters of a business. Breath of vision is a characteristic that favors sustainable development and it involves having thoughts of pictures having good reputation, this make the business be viewed as a road concept that goes beyond compliance to that which has openings for new ideas. Stakeholder empowerment should take place through relationship fostering which is more than just having transactions. Progressiveness is a sustainable development culture in business, it enables the business have a long-term outlook and this portrays the ability of the business to be enthusiastic for any new opportunities and changes that may arise, in addition to this, it portrays the business’  commitment to growth, progress and high performance by using best practices. Learning by doing is important for a company because the company is able to gain sustainable development at a great mileage while building on certain practices doing well for a particular stage of development.
Throughout the history of Ontario, the use of renewable resources such as water has been undertaken in a manner nearly totally independent of planning for their development, management and protection. Most of its towns and industrial facilities were located on the banks of lakes and rivers in order to facilitate transportation and ensure proximity to abundant water supplies. Through time, however, as these towns grew, very little regard was given to the protection and management of these resources upon which they relied in a massive way. Examples of this include the sitting of industrial facilities adjacent to well fields or rivers, as well as the location of landfill sites in old gravel pits where accumulated liquids would certainly drain away, and spread animal waste on fields with little or no regard for where spring runoff would accumulate. Under the current circumstances, the government of Ontario has left local governments with the task of managing their water supplies and planning their communities around them. As a result of massive field testing and computer modeling, municipal engineering and planning departments have been working together to subdivide their regions into areas where land use that is compatible with water resources can be established. This has been done in order to ensure that the water supplies are protected through the management of the growth in the communities. The understanding the connection between water regions and the impact of land use is critical in the development of workable solutions for all.

In conclusion, the use of and sustainability of renewable resources in the province of Ontario has to be given the highest priority because it is the only way through which they can be preserved. The best way through which to undertake this task is through the direct involvement of the government of Ontario which should actively participate in the planning of the use of these resources. This will ensure that all individuals in the province are aware of their responsibility of preserving of these resources for the sake of future generations.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Why Environmental Meetings are So Hard to Organize

Environmentalism is a philosophy which is based on the concept of conserving the natural environment through addressing issues the concern various human activities. Most of the activities which are addressed by environmentalism involve the pollution of the environment through industrial activities. This philosophy works towards the establishment of means through which these issues concerning the conservation of the environment are discussed and viable solutions for the environmental problems caused by human activity can be found. It can further be said that this philosophy deals with the preservation, the development, and the return of the natural environment to the state in which it was previously.
While many environmentalist groups profess to fight for the conservation of the environment; many of them tend to defeat their own purpose for doing so. This is due to the fact that they often oppose those projects whose final goal is to ensure that the environment is conserved. The example of the experiment that was to be conducted off the islands of Hawaii sponsored by various gas companies and governments. This project was to determine the rate of carbon monoxide dissolution in water so that steps could be taken to reduce such rates. However, certain environmentalist groups were opposed to this move stating that there was a possibility that the initiative was going to not only change the quality of the seawater, but it would also damage the marine life of the area. It can therefore be seen that while many environmentalist groups claim to fight for the conservation of the natural environment, when initiatives are made to study how the environment can be conserved, it is these very same groups which come to oppose them. A further example, this time in Pennsylvania where there was an initiative to construct wind turbines which would not only be able to provide a cheap source of energy, but this form of energy would be clean, ensuring that there was little damage to the environment. Local environmentalist groups again rose in opposition to the idea, citing that the turbines were going to destroy the immaculate forests of the area and endanger the bird life. It can therefore be said that while many environmentalist groups fight for the conservation of the environment, they have to adapt to the initiatives which are aimed at achieving the same purpose, otherwise, their objectives are likely to be defeated.
Free market environmentalism is not an initiative meant to conserve the environment, but one which has been developed to ensure that the real environmentalist movement is frustrated in its efforts. Many of the initiatives carried out by corporations in the name of environmental conservation are nothing more than propaganda designed to play down the true nature of their impact on the environment. The power of these corporations is so great that they can afford to hire public relation firms whose sole purpose is to ensure that the message from environmentalist groups is avoided, limited, or reinterpreted to suit the needs of these corporations. There is a conspiracy of interested groups which are bent on distorting the environmentalist cause because if any of the recommendations made by the various environmentalist groups are implemented, then there is a likelihood that they are going to lose a lot of profit. While there are some free market environmentalists who genuinely believe in the conservation of the environment through market mechanisms, a majority can be termed as being anti environmentalists. These tend to portray themselves as being environmentalists yet they are often the first to resist or go against any form of action or legislation that is meant to make the conservation of the environment a reality. It is these people who, using the massive resources that are available to them, something which many environmentalist groups cannot afford, have sought to hijack the environmentalist cause for their own gain. They have come to work for massive corporations with the aim of ensuring that any environmental legislation that is passed is all but effective. Environmentalist groups should not label all free market environmentalists as being anti environmentalist because there are some who are genuine in their purpose of conserving the environment. If the environmentalists keep labeling them as anti environmentalists, then there is a high risk that they will be alienated, and this would be detrimental to the cause of environmentalism.
In conclusion, it can be said that the idea that countries are sovereign in matters dealing with the environment have come to be challenged since at present, actors other than governments have come to be key players in the environmental issue. There has been a shift from having mega-conference diplomacy meetings to implementation of initiatives that are localized and formation of partnerships in order to be able to combat the remedies environmental problems that affect various countries. The time has come when governments have opted to shift their strategies to involve those tactics which are able to enhance the prospects that will implement effective management of the environment starting from the local level of the society.