Monday, February 15, 2021

Drinking Coffee as a Means of Attaining Sustainability


There has been a rapid expansion in the consumption of coffee in the western world and this has contributed significantly to its production. In most cases, coffee is consumed in the morning in addition to social occasions where individuals interact over this drink. A consequence has been that there has been a massive globalization of coffee to such an extent that there has been an increasing disconnection between consumers and corporations, on one hand, and coffee producers on the other (Valkila, 2014). A result of this situation has been that there has been the advancement of initiatives aimed at bringing about the development of sustainable coffee. This is especially the case where there is the need to make sure that there is an understanding of the effects that coffee beans have not only on the environment, but also on the communities that produce it. The products of sustainable coffee has become one of the most important agendas of the twenty-first century because it ensures that there is the creation of means through which individuals in society are made aware of the production of coffee and the manner through which it can be produced in a more sustainable manner than is currently the case. In addition, it has become essential to make sure that there is the development of new methods of coffee production that does not take a massive toll not only on local communities, but also on the environment in such way that makes it difficult to bring about the establishment of a more sustainable environment. This study will seek to make a study of the means through which true sustainability can be achieved through drinking coffee, in the context of the way that coffee affects the areas that produce it in either a positive or negative manner. The intention is to argue that coffee production has a massive positive impact on the producers and can be made a sustainable part of society.

This study will look at the diverse sides that make up the fair trade industry and the development of organic coffee at a level that goes around the world. The process will be essential in bringing about a situation where there is an understanding of the effectiveness of these labels so that it is possible to show the specific effects that the economic change in coffee production has inspired in a diversity of societies. Furthermore, it will be possible to make sure that there is the creation of awareness concerning the plight of children in the coffee production industry and the manner through which they can be assisted towards achieving a better life through the use of the proceeds from the coffee production from their respective communities (Kruger, 2007). The exploration of the economic and social benefits of coffee production and the manner through which they can be better applied to societies that produce it will ensure that there is an understanding of the diverse ways through which coffee, rather than being a symbol of exploitation, can actually be made use of in bringing about the achievement of a better and more sustainable world. The economic, social, and environmental effects of coffee production will be explored in the context of the manner through which it can be possible to use it positively. The achievement of this goal will help to show how countries in the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and Africa can be able to help to improve their communities through the production of coffee in a more sustainable manner that considers the welfare of the producers while at the same time making sure that there is greater awareness among consumers concerning the coffee that they are taking. Under such circumstances, there will be the maximization of sustainability efforts that are beneficial to both consumers and producers of coffee.

Moreover, this study will seek to make sure that there is the advancement of the idea of coffee production, which has the ability to bring about the achievement of great socio-economic results for the communities that produce it. Furthermore, these socio-economic results can be made use of to ensure that there is greater sustainability which coupled with fair trade labeling, will help in the promotion of the interests of producers because such labeling will be constantly checked for the benefits that they provide for farmers (Claar & Haight, 2015; Golding & Peattie, 2005). The ultimate goal of this study will be to make sure that there are numerous examples of the positive impacts of coffee production because such circumstances make sure that there is the development of means through which communities are able to benefit from the process. These examples will serve as means to develop means of making sure that there is the development of similar initiatives that can be applied in a diversity of coffee production areas. The application of the positive aspects of coffee production, which have been tried and tested in other areas where they have been successful, can ensure that there is the creation of a more positive outlook to coffee. It will also help in the creation of means through which to bring about a more sustainable future where individuals, especially in the western world, will consciously seek to have a positive impact on coffee producers because they will have the knowledge that every time they purchase coffee, they are actually making the lives of the producers much better (Watson & Achinelli, 2008). Thus, this study is one that aims at showing the positive impacts of coffee production and consumption in some parts of the world, and how they can be projected to other regions, where it will be possible to replicate the success that has been found so far.

            There is a diversity of issues concerning Fair Trade Labeling that has come about in recent years. Among these is whether this process ensures that the small farmers’ lives are improved (Glazer, 2007). This is a fairly pertinent question because it involves a situation where there is a need to make sure that there is an increase in the level of understanding concerning fair trade in the public. Another aspect of fair trade that is covered is that of the process of certification, and this is in addition to whether the process of trade forms would be of benefit to farmers. There is often a concern about the prices that are paid for fair trade products because there is not often enough proof concerning what the farmers end up earning for their products. Fair trade is aimed at making sure that there is not only an increase in technical skills for farmers, but also an improvement in their status of life so that they can be able to truly benefit from their products. This is a major issue within fair trade that has to be addressed in order to ensure that there is not only an advancement in its sustainability, but also the development of a situation where it is possible to improve the process even further. Having an understanding of the way that fair trade works is essential in bringing about more initiatives that are aimed at enhancing sustainable production of fair trade and organic foods. The impact of fair trade products have been studied for years and the results have shown that for the most part, they are positive; a sign that the process is actually working and that it is time to make sure that it is spread across the world so that it can help in bringing about greater sustainability.

            One of the most significant arguments that have been made concerning fair trade is that it relies heavily on the support and conviction of individuals in western countries (Bacon et al., 2014; Lyon, 2006). This support and concern creates an important connection between those who consume and produce coffee; making it possible to bring about the advancement of justice when it comes to the production of coffee. However, there are instances where the fair trade cooperatives end up leading to a situation where there is the reinforcement of a leveled relationship between producers and consumers in such a way that the former are placed at a disadvantage (Bacon et al., 2014). There are also instances where fair trade has ended up not being able to transform the coffee market because it has not managed to challenge the status quo that has been predominant in the coffee market for many years. Instead, fair trade initiatives in the coffee market have continued to struggle or at times been forced to conform to the unequal status that has been prevalent for years. Under such circumstances, it has become essential to investigate the impact of fair trade on the coffee industry. A study of fair trade coffee cooperations in Guatemala shows that despite the involvement of the coffee producers in a significant part of the processes, they are often still at a disadvantage because they are not the ones that set the price of their products in the international market. Thus, even though they operate within a more producer-friendly label, their lives do not improve by much and they are forced into situations where they remain junior players in the global coffee market. This is a reality that has to be considered at all times when making a study of true sustainability in the consumption of coffee because it is only through the actions of consumers that the lives of producers can be improved.

            Another important region of coffee production that has been studied extensively is that of Dak Gan in Vietnam. In this region, there has been a rapid expansion of the production of coffee since it was reopened for settlement (D’haeze, Deckers, Raes, Phong, & Loi, 2005). This process has been greatly assisted by the advancements that have been made in the country through the development of a free market economy that has been brought about through liberalization. This study shows that there is need to make sure that there is the opening up of the economy in such way that promotes land ownership as well as the competitiveness of products in the market in order for there to be improvement in the lives of coffee producers. Under the right conditions, it can be possible to help the latter individuals make improvements in their farming and production methods so that it becomes possible to bring about the achievement of greater security for coffee producers while at the same time enabling sustainable development. The actions of government as well as the private sector in the coffee industry are critical in making it possible for coffee farmers to enjoy the benefits of their efforts. However, in circumstances where there are considerable restrictions on coffee farmers, it is likely that there will be a significant decline on their quality of life because their efforts will not be profitable for them. Under the latter circumstances, despite the best efforts made by coffee consumers, farmers remain at a disadvantage. Therefore, the process of achieving sustainability in the coffee industry requires that there is a two way effort between consumers and producers through a connection that makes it possible for each to benefit.

            Another study seeks to make an analysis of the effects of fair trade coffee production in a number of regions within the country of Costa Rica. One of the most obvious benefits that is found concerning fair trade coffee is that it is traded at fixed prices which ensures that farmers are able to sell their produce at a significant rate above the one that is usually sold within the international market (Sick, 2008). Furthermore, fair trade is shown to have extensively improved the lives of farmers in this country because they are able to make sure that they are provided with the means through which to establish partnerships that are based on a long term commitment while at the same time being a part of a more stable coffee market. However, despite the considerable benefits that farmers end up receiving because of their participation in fair trade, it is noted that they do not benefit as much as they should because in the contemporary world, there is not as much demand for fair trade products, meaning that despite participating in fair trade, farmers are often forced to sell some of their products in the conventional market. Moreover, it is critical that fair trade increases initiatives aimed at making sure that farmers are educated concerning the benefits of fair trade, because in most cases, these individuals often left ignorant despite participating in it. This ignorance also contributes significantly to the considerably low number of farmers that seek certification because many do not understand the benefits that can be accrued through this process, despite its being expensive. While the latter may be considered a setback, it is only temporary, because in the long term, it is expected that once the benefits of fair trade are realized, coffee farmers will be more willing to sign up for this initiative not only to get better prices, but also to improve their lives and those of their children.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Dockless Bike Sharing in China



The increasing demand for environmentally friendly transport options has led to a situation where a considerable number of innovations have been developed in China. One of the most prominent of these is bike sharing services, which have become extremely relevant, especially in urban areas. A unique Chinese innovation is the dockless bike, which essentially does not require bike stands in order to be parked. A consequence is that it has become extremely popular, with a number of companies getting involved in the industry, and allowing bike sharing services to grow at an unprecedented rate (Fishman 2016, 92). The success of dockless bikes in the Chinese market has encouraged some of the companies involved in the industry to seek out new markets overseas.

What is it?

Dockless bikes are a new innovation that has been developed in China, and has become an important aspect of the bike sharing industry in the country. It involves a situation where individuals can hire bikes for transportation from one place to another within a city. It is a highly efficient and environmentally friendly means of transport and because of these attributes; dockless bike sharing has received considerable support from the Chinese government. Bike sharing has come to be seen as an efficient means of ensuring that there is the establishment of environmentally friendly transport because it is emission free (Chen, Ardila-Gomez, and Frame 2017, 382).

Who is doing it?

Dockless bike sharing in China has become extremely popular because of two main industry leaders, Mobike and Ofo. These two companies are rivals for the considerable user market that is in the country, with Mobike stating that more than 25 million individuals make use of its services on a daily basis. Because of the considerable competition between these two companies, they each provide their customers with a lot of incentives to use their services (Wu and Xue 2017, 14). A result has been that bike sharing in China has become extremely affordable and has allowed for the industry to grow in popularity.

How does it work?

Bike sharing services in China have been made extremely easy for customers to access. This is because there are a number of bike sharing apps that are available for customers. All that the customer has to do is to make a payment to their mobile phone and they can gain access to the app that they desire. Once this process has been conducted, it is easy for the customer to rent a bike for their purposes (Wang 2017, 842). The easy access to bikes, especially in the larger cities, ensures that there is the advancement of means through which to ensure that there is efficient use of bikes to such an extent that sharing services become more relevant.

Why is it significant?

The significance of bike sharing in China cannot be underestimated because it allows for the advancement of environmental protection policies. In addition, China is one of the biggest polluters in the world and its government has sought to ensure that it implements more environmentally friendly policies to curb its emission levels (Nami 2017, 17). Therefore, the availability of bike sharing services has ensured that there is the establishment of means through which to promote the development of means through which emissions can be reduced while at the same time making transport much more efficient because it is faster and costs much less for individuals who make use of them.

What are the down sides?

One of the biggest downsides of bike sharing, especially dockless bikes, is that there is the potential of disorderly parking and this is to such an extent that it might lead to unnecessary congestion and a public nuisance (Yaghoobirad 2017, 5-6). Moreover, bike sharing services are more prominent or available in large cities than in smaller ones and this is especially the case considering that large cities have a higher population, making it more profitable. However, despite the popularity of bike sharing in China, it is still a new market phenomenon, and the companies involved in it are yet to begin making proper profits from the venture.

Where is it going?

One of the most significant aspects of dockless bikes is that they are likely to be around for a long time. This is because it is a viable alternative of transport over short distances and it involves a situation where there is easy access. Furthermore, as more investment continues to get into the industry, it is likely that it will end up becoming more profitable, which will ensure its continued viability (Ricci 2015, 28). It continued popularity not only in China, but also in the rest of the world will make sure that there is the advancement of means through which it spreads to new markets; enabling the industry to survive indefinitely.

What are the implications of broad diffusion and adoption of this innovation?

The broad diffusion and adoption of this innovation will go a long way towards ensuring that there is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It will also help in the reduction of transport costs to such an extent that it will be possible for individuals to move from place to place more efficiently. Furthermore, bike sharing services will also enable its customers to have easy access to transport without having to wait long periods, as is currently the case.